26.3 Task 2 

The name of my film will be called end of the world the tagline for my film will be life is never too short the world is ending watch out. The target audience for this will be aged 15-30 male and female any background the class will be middle class also the hoodies for the target audience will be playing video games and watching tv and spending time on social media such as snap chat and instergram also spending time outside with friends the characters I will be choosing is Jonah hill and Seth Rogen also James Franco I have chosen to use these characters because of how successful they have managed to be through out their whole career of acting in different films each character has managed to achieve special awards during their time actin an example of this could be James Franco who once nominated for academy award for being the best actor. The genre of my film will be comedy which is a film which is to entertain the audience by making them laugh and also to enjoy themselves however there will not be any use of bad language or any disturbing use of imagery which does not relate back to my film being funny but rather make some people want to report or ask questions.

The synopsis of the film will first begin with an explosion from space which destroys many different cites across the whole world which wipes out a few people but some managed to find a way to survive the terrifying attack. This leaves many people running and fearing for themselves and their family members nobody has an idea what may have caused this to happen the only way for the surviving people to stay alive is to leave were ever they were once living and look for higher grounds far from their original homes . Through the middle of the film the attack calms down but however it is still a huge disaster only a few families manages to survive the attack but there is one family in particular which managed to stand their ground above all others by not getting there home destroyed or allowing themselves to get injuries. This popular family live in America in the los angles which shows luck was really on their side. The ending of the film will show how this one family managed to save the planet from coming to a complete end which is from using their skills and intelligence to make themselves real heroes and also send a message to all those watching that no matter what situation you are in you should continue to fight not until the end but till the very end never give up.

 The classification which my film will have on the front cover will be 15 which is to show anybody who wants to buy this is only suitable for people who age 15 and over and any younger is not suitable.

   Film poster examples

Image result for end of world film poster Image result for end of world film posterImage result for end of world film poster

                                 Task 3 proposal 

The film I have created will be aimed at target audience of 18 years old and over the reason why I have chosen to use a big age is because of the amount of drama and violence there is through out the whole film which would not be suitable for younger people such as a 12 year old. An example of this could be the use of explosions which could cause fear for a young audience. But however could make the an older  audience feel excited and nervous because they are not sure what is going to happen. I will be marketing my film through youtube because millions of people around the world have become addicted to watching free videos through youtube which give people the chance to watch a trailer of my film and see what it will be about instead of reading about the film the can watch it for themselves . I will also be marketing my film through social media such as facebook which is a site which many young people spend time to message their friends on this will also allow people to see my film and also spread the word to those around the world which will also give my film more views. Lastly this will be released in cinemas where different people on a certain day can come and watch and enjoy with their families. My poster has matched the audience expectations because It has the use of dark lighting which is made to create fear and the use of images such as the images of explosions and houses which have been destroyed show the audience that I have used what they have been expecting to be used in a film about the world coming to an end.

The way I would encourage people to watch my film is premier were a lot of friends and family can come and gather around for an event to watch my film. An example of a production company I can convince to fund my film would be Warner bros this is linked with Tour Dr, Watford. It was released by box office. The genre of the was entertainment and founded in 1923 and was known for its film studio. This has different ownerships from other companies such as AT&T , HBO and the walt disney company. The films which have been produced are justice league which came out in 2017 october 26 in the usa. Another film which was released was joker which was released in 2019 on the fourth october in the united kingdom This company also released batman vs superman which came out on  25 March 2016. which was made in the united kingdom.

The reason why producer would want to fund my film is because it relates to film which involves a hero having to try and save people from danger and be the one people will look up to. My film also involves famous actors which will make film a lot more expensive to buy this would also boost m stars wages much higher social, legal and ethical concerns such as controversial elements or newsworthy elements. is by making sure there is no sexual actions going on in the film which does not suit my film which could make people want to report my film. I will try and make sure there is no rude comments about religion which could offended those who are religious watching my film can not take any offence to watching my film due to rude comments about their belief. I will also try and use a bit of violence to make the film more entertaining to watch but however  i will not allow every scene in the film to show people dying and showing blood which could make my film look like a horror film instead of entertaining the audience but making them feel scared throughout the whole film.  

               Task 4 evaluation

The exceptions my target audience will be expecting to see in the film is the plot of the film so they known what exactly will be happening in the film and who will be taking part. Before they decide to spend money on watching my film. They will also be expecting to see events such as red carpet also sign forms and taking photos of the posters of my film which can be shown to different people who have not even heard about the new film about to be released. The type of emotions I want the audience to have is happening and terror the reason why I have chosen terror due to the horrible scenes of explosions and people being at risk. However happiness has been chosen due to serving of the family which is to make the audience feel happy. My promotion pack is effective because it makes people want to come and watch because I have use pictures which can attract peoples attention and I have chosen a suitable title which can make people feel interested because the do not have a clue what might happen. My story board is also effective because it give the audience small pieces  of information about my film of the drawings of the pictures which relate back to my film. My audience suggested that my film should last longer because it does not last for how long they were expecting so  next time I plan on extended the length of my film to be longer. The strengths which was given was how I managed to present my film in a positive manner for people to see and I managed to catch a lot of people attention. My weakness was again the length which could off  been improved because the film could off shown more exciting scenes which could off maybe filled up more seats in the cinema and also make the number of copies bought higher the improvements I will make in my film is making my film more humorous to make the audience laugh more than they already did because my film was mainly made to make the audience feel sad and feel a bit of happiness.


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