Commercial Radio
The purpose of commercial radio focuses on gaining revenue. The ways, in which commercial radio focus on profit making is through different factors such as seasonal awareness, selling newscasts and of course advertising. However, audiences often use commercial radio when they are doing other things for example when people are at work they will often have the radio on in the background or when people are driving to or from work they can still be listening to the radio in the car; thus, radio in itself is seen as a background noise.

In this report I will be analysing two contrasting radio advertisements.
The first radio advertisement I will be looking at is Think 'two things at once' it was produced by think and released 23 April 2007 .The message of this advert is to keep people safe on the road which is typical of the company Think who are known for raising road safety awareness. The reason why they have done this is to allow driver’s to think twice about how they behave when they out on the road and to be aware of their safety and the people who are around them. The advert pushes forward a message surrounding concentration whilst driving and the dangers of mobile phone usage whilst driving.

The style of this radio advertisement is factual, because they are using real life statistics which relate to the advert’s content about road safety.
The structure of this radio advert is part of a series; Think often use cross platform advertising to engage with their audiences. For example, they released this advert not only on radio, but on TV and print based.

The purpose of this advert is to raise brand awareness surrounding the company Think and what they stand for, which is road safety awareness.
The use of sound bed that is featured consists of only non-diegetic sounds. From 0.1 seconds throughout the entire radio ad, we are introduced to the non-diegetic sound of a woman making a statement. The radio advertisement features a multi voice tone because there is more than one voice being heard throughout the whole advert. There is a tagline being used by the narrator, who continuously says the word ‘think’ which includes a double meaning, due to the companies name and the content being addressed. The use of tone is very formal; the person who is speaking is a middle aged woman.

The persuasive techniques being used are statistical information, in addition to the statements by the narrator being overlapped, which creates a double meaning to the advert. For example the narrator is personifying the statements “it is hard to concentrate on two things at once”

The level of distribution for this advert is national which means everybody has access to this advert across the UK. There is nothing offensive for people to hear or see, regarding the ASA and their regulation. Think have not provided any contact details because they are a very huge company, so the use of their slogan (think) will allow people to know exactly who they are and what they do which is raising road safety awareness.

In my second report I will be analysing a contrasting radio advert  the radio advertisement I will be looking at is called kfc radio spot this was released on the 3rd of August 2009. the message of this advert is to make people feel scared also to make people want to come and eat from kfc. The way they have done this is by describing the food such as the chicken as crispy which will attempt people to want to come to KFC. However the company have used scary sound effects of people screaming and scary use of sound in the background which can make people feel nervous but also excited because they are unaware of what might happen. The company also use informal use of language by describing the chicken as dark delicious piece of kfc which sends a message to people that they should Come to kfc and not miss out.

The style of this advert is humorous because they have not used any real life statics but instead the narrator is speaking a tone of voice which is meant to make people laugh which shows that the advert is not a very serious advert but however it was made to make people feel good about themselves when coming to kfc. The use of background music which can relate to halloween indicates that the company are not trying to make the Audience feel a a little nervous but at the same time excited due to the use of a very unserious type of background music which can be used to try and Make people sit down and laugh.

The structure of this is one off because the company are relating the advert back to halloween with special offers from kfc also another reason why this can be a one off is because halloween only comes out in october which is only in one season. This can show that the company are trying to get the audience to attend by bringing in special offers which could attract more people to come because prices are a lot cheaper.

The purpose of this advert is to make people laugh the reason for this is because the narrator is speaking informally which shows that what they are saying will not be taken seriously by the audience but rather put them in a happy type of mood. The use of sound bed that is featured consists of only non-diegetic sounds from 0.59 seconds throughout the whole radio ad. The way non- diegetic sound is introduced to the audience is when the male narrator is making a statement which is informal also the narrator is a middle age person. However there is no use of multi voice which is because there is only one person speaking there is also a tagline being used as the narrator continuously says the word kfc.

The persuasive techniques which are being used is when the narrator is speaking but however being overlapped which is due to the use of people speaking at the same time in different sections of the advert also the use of people making sound affects such as screaming. Which makes it really hard to concentrate on one thing at a time.

The level of distribution of this advert is a national advert the reason for this everybody around the world has access to watching this advert throughout the whole uk. Which can be accessed on youtube there is also no rude or inappropriate words being used in the advert which could be offensive to people watching. Kfc radio spot have also not given any use of contact details which is because they have a very big company which many people know about. However they have not really shown the audience who they are but the use of the kfc Slogan can tell people that they are a kfc company but they are not aware of the informal use of words being used throughout the advert until they actually watch the advert.


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