
Showing posts from November, 2018
For assignment 2 you need to find examples of the Different MUSIC VIDEO STYLES : Popular music genres In-concert and ‘as live’ footage Animation (stop motion, CGI, 2D & 3D) Interpretative Illustrative / Impressionist Narrative Surrealist Pastiche / Parody / Referencing / Homage Influence of Commercials Identify the following TECHNIQUES in both videos. Cutting to beat Visual Effects Miming and lip sync Playback and lip sync Multi-image Camera movements (Tracking Shot / Steadicam) Camera angles (Low/high angle) Chroma key (see example below) Identify the following CONVENTIONS in both videos. Lyric interpretation Extending or consolidating song’s meaning Allusion Links to other artists THE FIRST VIDEO I will looking at is DRAKE - GOD'S. This video uses the In-concert live footage style. As it shows the artist drake - on stage in front of a live audience. This video also includes a style whi
ASSIGNMENT 2 - MUSIC VIDEO : STYLES, CONVENTIONS & TECHNIQUES STYLES CONVENTIONS TECHNIQUES a. Popular Music Genres  b. In Concert and ‘as live’ footage c. Animation (Stop motion, CGI, 2D and 3D) d. Interpretative e. Illustrative f. Narrative g. Surrealist h. Pastiche / Parody / Referencing / Homage i. Influence of Commercials a. Lyric interpretation b. Extending or consolidating song’s meaning c. Allusion d. Links to other artists a. Cutting to beat b. Effects c. Miming and lip sync d. Playback and lip sync e. Multi-image e.g. split screen or superimposed f. Camera movements g. Camera angles h. Chroma key In this script I will be talking about a artist which is called drake  and the music videos he has made  I have also chosen the different types of techniques the artist  has used when creating this music videos which is to make the videos more interesting and recognisable to watch. The first video I will be looking a
                                                   Assignment 26.1 Theory of Films  The directors that I will be choosing is Steven spiel-berg and Robert alt-man. I will also be discussing and analysing two different theories and films.The reason why Steven spiel berg is considered a auteur is because of how recognisable his films have been which is also due to many unique marks. Another reason why that he could be seen as a auteur is because of his artistic contribution to the films he has made in the past years. An example of the films which he created was Jurassic park. I will now be talking about the casting which was used in this film such as the actors who took part and played a particular role one of the actors which was in this film is called Jeffrey Lynn Goldblumborn who was born on October 22 1952. The role he played in the film was chaotcain. another actor that took part in this film was Sam Neill who was born on born 14 September 1947 the role he played was the palaeont
list of 3 purposes of commercial radio  .advertising  artists selling newscasts List 2 regulators  of-com  ASA Codes - use of children , ethics radio centre fairplay 3 word rule  inform persuade sell water shared Use of children  politics fairplay ethics  3 words rule inform persuade sell