
Showing posts from October, 2018
Harry Homework Where do people watch/consume music videos today? How has this changed over the past years? ( Discuss Music TV Channels, DVDs and Internet ) How music videos have increased the income for the record company. ( find an example of an artist who owns the record label and therefore benefits directly. ) How music videos are used to promote the following:  A particular song  ( explain how a music video helps to promote a song ) The artist’s album ( explain how a music video can used to promote an album. )  A new artist or promotion of an artist’s change in musical direction or image  An synergy with another media sector (film, television programme  etc.) In this report I will be talking about the purposes of music videos. In media studies I will also be discussing types of music videos and how they have been able to benefit over the years. The place were people today are watching music videos today is on websites such as YouTube were they have free access
What I have learnt in media  What I have learnt in media is primary research and the type of method which is first hand also secondary research which the method is magazines. Also different media sectors such as industries, form texts. There are three key stages of media production which is called pre production, post production and production. Another topic I have learnt is there are two types of target audience which are called primary and secondary. The defntion of primary is a younger audience such as teenagers or kids. Secondary is a older audience which is adults and elderly people. The two words which define media sectors are tv and animation also I learnt that cross over genre appears in many different texts and forms. which could be horror book, horror photo, horror animation, horror film. An example of action cross over could be romance cross over or thriller cross over. Another topic I have learnt this year in media is intertextuality an example of this could be branding