
Showing posts from April, 2019
Commercial Radio The purpose of commercial radio focuses on gaining revenue. The ways, in which commercial radio focus on profit making is through different factors such as seasonal awareness, selling newscasts and of course advertising. However, audiences often use commercial radio when they are doing other things for example when people are at work they will often have the radio on in the background or when people are driving to or from work they can still be listening to the radio in the car; thus, radio in itself is seen as a background noise. In this report I will be analysing two contrasting radio advertisements. The first radio advertisement I will be looking at is Think 'two things at once' it was produced by think and released 23 April 2007 .The message of this advert is to keep people safe on the road which is typical of the company Think who are known for raising road safety awareness. The reason why they have done this is to allow driver’s to think twice about h